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Jean Eileen Jones-Wolfe

This was my beloved Grammy, Jean.  She endured  great losses in her life. She lost her mother when she was eight,  husband when she was 43 with 3 children to raise, then my uncle Ted to drowning in his late 20's and my 52 year old mother to complications of cancer.  Grammy Jean was/is a symbol of grace to me. She held her head high and remained composed and stoic. I have her journals where she shared her grief and in her last entry to me in 1978 she wrote, "My worst fault has always been I loved too deeply and suffered for it, somehow I feel you Debbie/y dear will understand Grammy and don't forget my darling, I love you so much. Forever, Grammy. I was 12 in 78. She was right She passed in 1994.  I was 12 in 78. She was right.

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